Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Borneo Kalimantan

					View Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Borneo Kalimantan

It is our honour to present Journal Borneo Kalimantan (JBK) volume 7 Issue 1. Building on the themes of mobility in Borneo-Kalimantan, five articles had been selected for this issue. The first two articles, ethno historical in nature, provide examples of ways in which over time and space, objects and peoples move across Borneo’s physical and social terrains. The first article by Valerie Mashman depicts how a shield – given as a ‘gift’ becomes a circulated object that gathered meanings as it moved from the hand of a chief in Borneo to be found exhibited in the Vatican Museum some 120 years later. The second article, A.W .Nieuwenhuis Merentasi Borneo 1894-1924, the Malay translation of A.W. Nieuwenhuis Across Borneo 1894-1924 by Professor Bernard Sellato is an account of high-profile scientific expeditions made by pioneer Dutch explorers across the terrain of Kalimantan at the turn of the 20th century. Capturing the themes of the ‘comings and goings’ of peoples across porous political boundaries, the next two articles touch on livelihood strategies amongst migrants. Dr Taberdo’s article provides additional empirical understanding to the nature of peoples’ movement within circular migration. Meanwhile, the article by Lumayag et al highlights the quandary of second generation of stateless and undocumented immigrants born in Sabah. Their findings suggest that temporary or ad-hoc access to education remains a palliative route without social inclusion of immigrants into the mainstream society. The final article by Huffer et al, succinctly describes how the identification of recently modified Dayak ‘trophy skull’ through an osteological assessment has revealed that these skulls have morph in different forms as itinerant objects within newer online trade in human remains.

In addition, we are extremely pleased to unveil our Book Review portion in this issue. To kickstart the section, Mohd. Shazani Bin Masri reviews Nafahat Al-Ridwan: Riwayat Hidup Shaykh ‘Uthman Sarawak By Shaykh Muhammad Zayn Al-Din Bin Shaykh ‘Uthman Al-Sarawaqi Translated, Edited And Introduction By Fazril Salleh.

Happy Reading!

JBK Editorial Team

Published: 2021-06-30