About the Journal

About JBK 

Aims and Scope:

Journal of Borneo-Kalimantan (JBK) is an international open access journal. Authors can submit their manuscripts in English or in Bahasa Melayu at any time. JBK serves as an outlet for original conceptual and empirical papers on Borneo-Kalimantan societies, cultures, history and its environment. The papers submitted may cover the following subjects:

  1. Culture and heritage
  2. Customs, adat and rights
  3. History, oral histories and ethnohistory
  4. Ethnicity and identities
  5. Religion and belief systems
  6. Language and sociolinguistics
  7. Informal economy and social exchange
  8. Agriculture and rural economy
  9. Public health and ethnomedical practices
  10. Gender, women and representation
  11. Class and social stratification
  12. Critical geography and spatial relations
  13. Political systems and public policies
  14. Environment and society
  15. Climate change and disaster management
  16. Politics of indigeneity
  17. Sustainable livelihood strategies
  18. Culture-based and community-based industries
  19. Information and communication technology and society
  20. Media, society and social transformation
  21. Mobility and migration
  22. Archaeology and material culture
  23. Emerging cities, satellite towns and society

Types of Article:
Original Research Article

Book Review

Research Notes

Quality Control Mechanism:
The journal practises double-blind peer review process.

Publication Frequency:
One volume two issues per year (June and December)

Article Subscription Fee:
Free open access

Publication/Article Processing Fee:


Journal Indexing:
MyJurnal (Journal Management System)
Google Scholar

UNIMAS Publisher

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