The Interactions between Financial Inclusion with Microentrepreneurs Firm Performance in Malaysia





This study is to examine the relationships between financial inclusion with microentrepreneur's firm performance in Malaysia. Cross-sectional data from the questionnaire were collected from 373 micro-entrepreneurs operating under the micro-financing scheme. Hence, the present study aimed to revisit the financial inclusions towards micro-entrepreneur firm performance using the approach in PLS-SEM. The Financial inclusion and micro-entrepreneur firm performance were constructed as a reflective measurement model. The survey findings further revealed that financial inclusion is significantly associated with micro-entrepreneur firm performance. This research's outcomes can benefit decision-makers such as Malaysian governments, microfinance organizations, and the decision-makers regarding distributing funding and promoting successful micro-entrepreneur performance in the long-run.


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How to Cite

MOHAMAD SABLI, H., BINTI NGAH, H., & SEBLI JONEY, S. K. (2020). The Interactions between Financial Inclusion with Microentrepreneurs Firm Performance in Malaysia. UNIMAS Review of Accounting and Finance, 4(1), 84–91.


