About the Journal

About URAF
Aims and Scopes:
Unimas Review of Accounting and Finance (URAF) aims to provide a specialized forum for the publication of academic research on finance and accounting issues. The journal also welcomes original research articles on other contemporary issues in finance and accounting. URAF aims to provide a specialized forum for the publication of academic research on finance and accounting issues. Primary emphasis will be placed on the high quality empirical and theoretical research in the following areas: 

  • International and Financial Accounting
  • Management and Cost Accounting
  • Taxation and Auditing
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Environmental and Social Accounting
  • Corporate Governance and Ethical Issues
  • Corporate Finance
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Investments
  • Derivatives and Risk Management
  • Islamic Finance
  • Financial Markets 

Types of Article:
Research Article 

Quality Control Mechanism:
The journal practises double-blind peer review process. 

Publication Frequency:
One volume per year 

Article Subscription Fee:
Free open access 

Publication/Article Processing Fee:


Journal Indexing:
Google Scholar

UNIMAS Publisher 

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