The Impact of Consumer’s Eco-Friendly Attitudes on Their Purchase Intentions – An Empirical Analysis of Automobile Sector.


  • Arsalan Haneef Malik Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Mubashir Ali UNIMAS



 Since awareness has increased for environment protection, it is being global concerns for consumers and manufacturers to use green and environmentally friendly products with realisation to contribute to saving of environment. In this context, automobile sector has very important contribution in an economy of any country. A very large percentage of automobiles are using fuel, Co2 emissions have adverse effect on environment, and this is one of contributing factor for global warming. This study aims to investigate the effect of environmental values, responsibility feelings and environmental knowledge upon purchase intentions of Pakistani consumers towards environmentally friendly automobiles. This study utilises the causal research approach by testing the correlation existing between an individual’s environment attitude and its impact on his/ her intentions to purchase environment-friendly automobiles. It was found that there is a demand for environment-friendly automobiles amongst Pakistani consumers. However, at this stage they do have feelings of responsiveness towards environment protection and sustainability but are not willing to pay extra to purchase a hybrid or environment-friendly automobile. Furthermore, they are not willing to compromise on quality and comfortability when purchasing an environment-friendly automobile compared to a regular car. Contrary to this, they may be willing to settle for a relatively unattractive design and lower performance when buying an environment-friendly automobile compared to a regular automobile.


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How to Cite

Malik, A. H., & Mubashir Ali. (2019). The Impact of Consumer’s Eco-Friendly Attitudes on Their Purchase Intentions – An Empirical Analysis of Automobile Sector . UNIMAS Review of Accounting and Finance, 3(1), 86–97.


