
English medium of instruction
classroom management

How to Cite

Lestari, S., Yuliasri, I. ., Fitriati, S. W., & Widhiyanto. (2024). UNVEILING STUDENTS’ VOICE ON LECTURERS’ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT IN VIRTUAL ENGLISH MEDIUM INSTRUCTION . Issues in Language Studies, 13(2), 226–246. https://doi.org/10.33736/ils.6697.2024


A private university in Indonesia has implemented English Medium Instruction (EMI) classes in order to support internationalisation programmes. This policy entails using English as the instructional language in the classroom. This case study examined the teaching practices of seven content lecturers from the Biology, Physics, Mathematics, and Primary Education Departments in EMI classes, focusing on classroom management. Additionally, it explored 208 students’ perceptions in this setting. Data were collected through class observations, questionnaires, and interviews. The findings suggest that effective classroom management by lecturers leads to increased student participation and engagement. The lecturers employed various organisational, teaching management, and teacher-student relationship strategies to manage their classrooms. These findings provide valuable insights into maximising classroom management in an EMI setting, which can enhance critical reflection and support the implementation of EMI classes. The study also highlighted the students' perception of participation and interaction in the class, confirming that lecturers who lack effective teaching skills and multimodal strategies result in passive learning among students.



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