
language contestation
public signs

How to Cite

Prasetyo, L., Ketut Artawa, Ketut Widya Purnawati, & I Wayan Suardiana. (2024). LANGUAGE CONTESTATION AT BOROBUDUR TEMPLE, THE WORLD’S LARGEST BUDDHIST TEMPLE. Issues in Language Studies, 13(2), 162–180.


This study aims to explore various types of public signs with different uses, designs, and materials to determine the contestation of local, national, and international languages in the Borobudur Temple area, particularly in relation to ideology and identity. Public signs were photographed on December 20, 2022. A total of 299 photos were analysed using linguistic landscape theories based on a qualitative descriptive method with techniques of quantification of qualitative data and interpretive descriptions. The results showed 28 types of signs. The most common public signs are of the Top-down type, with Indonesian being the most widely used language. This represents a solid national identity because Indonesian is the language of unity and the lingua franca of the entire Indonesian nation. English is the second most frequently used language at the Borobudur Temple, a well-known international tourist site. Other than Indonesian and English, Javanese language and script, which reflect local identities, are little used on public signs. The findings suggest that local language seems to be marginalised.


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