


E-dictionary; digital age; EFL learners; language learning; paper-based dictionary


In academia, dictionaries have become a daily commodity beyond the common yet relevant uses of spelling and meaning checks. Relying on data collected from 107 EFL learners through an opinion poll in the Saudi context, this paper investigated how such learners utilize dictionaries in their English program during their university studies. Findings showed that learners use electronic and paper-based dictionaries for limited purposes beyond the spelling and meaning check. Besides surveying the dictionary type (online and paper-based), the study argues for some uses on a broader approach rather than spelling words and their meanings. It construed dictionaries as special tutors that help second language learners develop a multitude of skills, including spelling, vocabulary, grammatical usage, pronunciation, and semantic features of the target language, e.g., synonyms, antonyms, polysemy, collocations, and the like. The study theorizes the dictionary not as an add-on but as an essential language learning source of English language programs tailored to dictionary-based tasks across the curriculum to respond to sustainable language education.

Author Biography

Abdu AL-KADI, Philadelphia University, Jordan

Dr. Abdu Al-Kadi is an applied linguist and educator who has taught English for over two decades in several EFL contexts. He has been actively involved in teacher training, curriculum development, technology-based language education and relevant research. His research interest lies in TESOL, multiliteracies, SLA, CALL, and MALL. His publication record includes more than a dozen journal articles, four book chapters, two book reviews, and some other publications in the pipeline. Dr. Al-Kadi serves as a reviewer and associate editor for five scholarly journals. His most recent academic activities include presentations at two international events: the AAAL Conference 2022 and the TESOL International Convention and English Language Expo.


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How to Cite

AL-KADI, A. ., & ALI, J. K. M. (2023). MULTIPLICATION OF DICTIONARY USES IN THE AGE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Issues in Language Studies, 12(2), 158–173.