This is an outdated version published on 2024-12-31. Read the most recent version.

Financial Ratios and Portfolio Construction


  • Bakri Abdul Karim 082584396
  • Su Yee Kong
  • Siaw Hui Bong
  • Zhane Lian Chong
  • Nurul Syuhada Zaidi



Fundamental Analysis; Efficient Portfolio; Current Ratio; Return on Equity; Debt-to-Equity Ratio; Modern Portfolio Theory


This paper aims to provide empirical evidence of portfolio construction using the current, return on equity, and debt-to-equity ratio across the top three industries in Malaysia. This study analysed 30 companies listed on Bursa Malaysia from three different industries: the energy industry, the plantation industry, and the consumer products and services industry. We find that all 17 portfolios generate positive returns except Portfolio 12. There is no statistically significant difference between the mean of the portfolio with the highest ratios and the mean of the portfolio with the lowest ratios for the three financial ratios. The results of the study provide valuable insight for portfolio managers and investors.


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2024-12-26 — Updated on 2024-12-31


How to Cite

Karim, B. A., Kong , S. Y., Bong , S. H., Chong , Z. L. ., & Zaidi, N. S. (2024). Financial Ratios and Portfolio Construction. UNIMAS Review of Accounting and Finance, 8(1), 1–28. (Original work published December 26, 2024)


