
  • Bakri Abdul Karim 082584396
  • Norlina Kadri
  • Jenifer Yam Sat
  • Nur Hazwani Maryam Kassim
  • Wong Yi Ting



Malaysia, CEO gender, firm size, firm age, number of directors, firm performance


This study aims to examine the link between CEO gender and company performance in Malaysia Using 30 companies for the period from 2018 to 2022 and a panel data analysis, the findings show that gender, firm age, and the number of directors have no effect on a company's performance. Contrarily, firm size significantly enhances the performance of the firm. The study has major implications to investors, businesses, and policy makers.


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How to Cite

Karim, B. A., Kadri, N., Sat, J. Y. ., Kassim , N. H. M. ., & Yi Ting, W. . (2023). CEO GENDER AND FIRM PERFORMANCE IN MALAYSIA. UNIMAS Review of Accounting and Finance, 7(1), 57–73.


