The Impact Of Corporate Governance on The Financial Performance in Malaysia





Corporate governance, financial performance, agency theory


The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and firm financial performance in Malaysia. This study is mainly focusing on four sections of corporate governance which are board independent, board size, the frequency of audit committee meeting and firm size. The population of this study is Top 30 firms in Malaysia that are public listed in Bursa Malaysia while for the period, this study focusses on year 2016 to 2019 which is 4 years. This study uses Return on Assets (ROA) to measure the firm effectiveness and efficiency. As for statistical analysis, this study uses E-View to run all the test such as Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test, Hausman Test, Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) method, Autocorrelation, Multicollinearity and Normality Test. According to the results of the analysis, board independent has positive insignificant relationship with firm performances while board size and firm performances have negative and insignificant relationship. As for the frequency of audit committee meeting and firm size, the results display that both variables have negatively significant relationship with the performances of the firm. Apart from that this study use two theory which are Prospect Theory and Agency Theory.


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How to Cite

ABDULLAH, N. (2021). The Impact Of Corporate Governance on The Financial Performance in Malaysia. UNIMAS Review of Accounting and Finance, 5(1), 34–51.


