Exploring the Role of Self-Efficacy on Individual Work Performance of Female Police Constables in Pakistan: A Conceptual Framework
self-efficacy, work performance, task performance, counterproductive work behaviour, contextual work performanceAbstract
In Pakistan, the number of female police constables is significantly lower than that of their male counterparts, resulting in increased discrimination that often negatively impacts their self-efficacy. This conceptual paper examines the influence of self-efficacy on the individual work performance of female police constables in Pakistan. Various theories were explored to identify the factors affecting work performance. One such theory, individual work performance theory, defines different dimensions of work performance, including task performance, counterproductive work behaviour, and contextual performance. Another key theory, the social cognitive theory of self-efficacy, analyses the relationship between self-efficacy and work performance, emphasising the mediating dimensions of work performance. This theory posits that individuals can effectively plan and execute actions to achieve specific goals through targeted behaviours. Building on these theoretical foundations, this paper proposes a conceptual framework illustrating the direct relationship between self-efficacy and work performance, along with the mediation of various performance dimensions and the influence of the workplace environment.
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