Gamification for Enhancing Students’ Learning Motivation: A Systematic Review


  • Vitty binti Fung Ah Chon Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Sabariah bte Sharif Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Nuryati binti Md. Saleh Universiti Malaysia Sabah


gamification, learning motivation, educational settings, self-determination theory, ARCS model, flow theory


This systematic literature review examines the effectiveness of gamification in educational settings, specifically focusing on its impact on students' learning motivation in science. With growing interest in gamification as a contemporary teaching strategy, this review integrates research across various academic levels. The aim is to determine how gamification influences learning outcomes, with a particular emphasis on motivation. Theoretical frameworks, including Self-Determination Theory, the ARCS model, and Flow Theory, were applied to analyse the data. Following PRISMA guidelines, the review was conducted in four key phases: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Findings indicate that the impact of gamification on student engagement and learning outcomes is context-dependent, with more pronounced positive effects observed in higher education and specific subjects. However, some studies report minimal or negative effects, highlighting the complexity of implementing gamification. This review underscores the importance of context-aware application and suggests directions for future research to optimise gamification in education, contributing to the ongoing development of innovative educational practices.

Author Biography

Sabariah bte Sharif, Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Profesor Gred Khas C (VK7), Faculty of Psychology and Education, University Malaysia Sabah


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How to Cite

Vitty binti Fung Ah Chon, Sabariah bte Sharif, & Nuryati binti Md. Saleh. (2024). Gamification for Enhancing Students’ Learning Motivation: A Systematic Review. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 10(2), 19–41. Retrieved from