A Novel Hybrid Unet-RBF and CNN-RBF Algorithm for Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification


  • Lim Huey Chern Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Abdulrazak Yahya Saleh Al-Hababi Universiti Malaysia Sarawak




autism spectrum disorder, convolutional neural network, deep learning, radial basis function, U-Net


The 2021 CDC report indicates that Autism Spectrum Disorder affects 1 in 44 children, necessitating advanced classification methods. This article proposes a hybrid deep learning approach for ASD classification, merging U-net and Radial Basis Functions for medical image segmentation and integrating Convolutional Neural Network with RBF for ASD classification. Achieving 94.79% accuracy surpasses previous studies, highlighting deep learning's potential in neuroscience. Future research should explore diverse algorithms, validating them across varied datasets with different hyperparameters to enhance ASD classification efficiency.


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How to Cite

Lim Huey Chern, & Saleh Al-Hababi, A. Y. (2024). A Novel Hybrid Unet-RBF and CNN-RBF Algorithm for Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 10(1), 87–102. https://doi.org/10.33736/jcshd.6778.2024