Personal Growth Initiatives Among Perpetrators of Sexual Violence in Correctional Institutes
sexual violence, perpetrators, personal growth initiative, correctional institutesAbstract
Victims, rather than perpetrators, have been commonly the focus of sexual violence research and intervention. The ability of perpetrators to initiate the personal growth initiative (PGI) process on their own is the topic of this research. Six sexual violence perpetrators who are now wards of penal institutions in Indonesia and have exhibited high PGI Scale-II scores, are the participants of the study. The convenience sample method was used to recruit six persons for a focus group discussion on PGI. Findings reveal that these wards have time to reflect on their actions and emotional blunders, prepare themselves for a better life, and plan what they will do after being freed from penal institutions. We suggest that violators explore various personal development activities that can aid in self-improvement.
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