Social Support, Resilience, and Happiness in Response To COVID-19


  • Serene Tan Liu Mei SEGi College Penang
  • Arianna Oh Zhing Ni SEGi College Penang
  • Sharren AL Sivaguru SEGi College Penang
  • Chin Wen Cong Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman



In dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals are having difficulties in coping with stress and enhancing their happiness due to the lack of proper social support. The phenomenon is highly alarming as the mental health issues of Malaysians begin to surface during the period of adversity. The study aims to investigate the mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between social support and happiness during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 104 Malaysian adults participated in the study through a convenience sampling method. They completed an online survey which measured levels of social support, resilience, and happiness. A Pearson correlation analysis showed that social support and resilience were positively associated with happiness. Besides that, resilience was evidenced as a partial mediator on the association between social support and happiness. The study concluded that individuals with a higher level of social support showed a higher level of resilience which eventually led to a higher level of happiness. In facing adversity, Malaysian adults with poor social support should improve their resiliency to boost their happiness.


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How to Cite

Serene Tan Liu Mei, Arianna Oh Zhing Ni, Sivaguru, S. A., & Chin Wen Cong. (2021). Social Support, Resilience, and Happiness in Response To COVID-19. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 7(1), 134–144.