Attachment Styles and Marital Quality Between Spouses


  • Fatahyah Yahya Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Aqilah Yusoff Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Ahmad Tarmizi Talib Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Sarjit Singh Darshan Singh Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Abdul Hakim Mohad Universiti Islam Sains Malaysia
  • Nur Ayuni Mohd Isa Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Muhammad Jazlan Ahmad Khiri Universiti Malaysia Sarawak



The research was aimed to study the relationship between attachment styles and marital quality between spouses. A total number of 52 spouses representing teachers from Sekolah Menengah Agama Daeratul Ma'arifil Wataniah 1 (SMA DMW 1), in Peninsular Malaysia's northwest coast, participated in this study. There were two sets of questionnaires used in this study: Experience in Close Relationship (ECR) and Marital Adjustment Test (MAT). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between attachment styles and spouses' styles. However, there is no relationship between marital satisfaction among spouses, and there is also no relationship between attachment styles and marital satisfaction among spouses. Future research is suggested to enhance the research by moving beyond self-report instruments to develop alternative methods of assessment as some of the questions should be more specifically suitable in Malaysian culture.



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How to Cite

Yahya, F., Yusoff, A., Talib, A. T., Darshan Singh, S. S., Mohad, A. H. ., Mohd Isa, N. A. ., & Ahmad Khiri , M. J. . (2021). Attachment Styles and Marital Quality Between Spouses. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 7(1), 57–71.