The Use of Think-Aloud in Assisting Reading Comprehension among Primary School Students


  • Amelia Shoon Wan Chin Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
  • Kartini Abdul Ghani Universiti Malaysia Sarawak



Reading strategies are seldom taught to students despite their importance in aiding reading comprehension. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of the think-aloud strategy and investigate primary school students' perception of using the think-aloud strategy in assisting their reading comprehension. Twenty-seven primary school students were introduced and trained to use the think-aloud strategy through teacher-modelling and reciprocal think-aloud with comprehension passages related to the relevant English curriculum. Questionnaires and interview sessions were conducted to gather information on how the students perceive the use of think-aloud in reading comprehension. Findings revealed that students have positive perceptions towards using think-aloud as a reading strategy in their reading comprehension and were keen on using the strategy in their future reading.



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How to Cite

Chin, A. S. W. ., & Ghani, K. A. (2021). The Use of Think-Aloud in Assisting Reading Comprehension among Primary School Students. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 7(1), 11–32.