Application of performance appraisal system (PAS) attributes among first rater officers (FRO’s): Issues and Implication


  • Jakheus Limasan UNIMAS
  • Rusli Ahmad UNIMAS
  • Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar UNIMAS



This study aims to explore the first rater officers’ perspectives on the application of performance appraisal attributes in performance appraisal system in a higher education institution in Sarawak. Six attributes were focused on the study namely clarification of the system, justification of the system, control criteria, employee participation, system management, and credibility of the assessor. The study uses a qualitative methodology using semi-structured interview techniques and data analysis in thematic approach. Three common issues are the limitation of the system’s availability, insufficient scoring distribution towards lecturers who are involved in administrative work and limited capability of the server. Along with that, two critical issues are the subjective judgment of personality traits and limited utilization of the system. The implication raised based on the issues is work processes are interrupted, employee dissatisfaction and organizational image are affected. In conclusion, the issues within the performance appraisal system need to be taken seriously to avoid conflicts.  

Keywords: Performance appraisal system attributes; General issues; Critical issues; First rater officer


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How to Cite

Limasan, J. ., Ahmad, R. ., & Abdullah Bandar, N. F. (2019). Application of performance appraisal system (PAS) attributes among first rater officers (FRO’s): Issues and Implication . Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 5(2), 66–77.