Preliminary Analysis of Employee Needs Inventory Assessment (ENAI): Reliability and Validity


  • Mohd Razali Othman UNIMAS
  • Nor Mazlina Ghazali UNIMAS
  • Suraida Abdullah UNIMAS
  • Mohd Izzat Syafiq Mohd Razali UNIMAS



The aim of this study is to develop and assess the validity and reliability of Employee Needs Assessment Inventory (ENAI). Employee Needs Assessment Inventory (ENAI) aims to screen employees’ problem and measured eight scale namely health, financial, family, spiritual, work, career, interpersonal relationship and work environment. The instrument is developed based on Ecological Theory by Bronfenbrenner (1979). The questionnaire is distributed to 1113 employees in selected public university in Malaysia. The reliability of the instrument is measured using internal consistence reliability (Cronbach Alpha). The construct validity is measured by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The result indicated a coefficient alpha is 0.96 for the 76 ENAI items. The coefficient alphas for the eight subscales were as follows: 0.89 for health, 0.79 for financial, 0.86 for family, 0.83 for spiritual, 0.88 for work, 0.85 for career, 0.90 for interpersonal relationship and 0.89 for work environment. The study founds the instrument is valid and reliable.

Keywords: Reliability; Validity; Assessment; Employee; Exploratory factor analysis


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How to Cite

Othman, M. R., Ghazali, N. M., Abdullah, S., & Mohd Razali, M. I. S. . (2020). Preliminary Analysis of Employee Needs Inventory Assessment (ENAI): Reliability and Validity . Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 6(1), 88–101.