Generation-Y Employees and Their Perceptions of Work-Life Balance


  • Bahrain Mos
  • Nur Fatihah abdullah Bandar
  • Surena Sabil
  • Farida Abdul Halim
  • Agatha Lamentan Muda
  • Hana Hamidi
  • Dyg Kartini Abg Ibrahim
  • Wan Sofiah Meor Osman



The objective of this study is to identify the perceptions of Generation Y employees regarding work-life balance practices. As increasing numbers of Generation Y enter the workforce, questions regarding how they perceive work, family and self-related issues, challenges and coping strategies in balancing personal and professional commitments became issues of interests for employers. This study uses interviews to collect data from six informants in Generation Y and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The results indicate that Generation Y employees do indeed have issues and challenges with balancing work and family. However, unlike the older generation of employees, Generation Y employees perceive managing work-life balance only through segmentation or separation strategies. This particular finding indicates that if organizations want to attract and retain these employees they should adapt a strategy specifically designed to target this employee group.

 Keywords: Gen Y; work-life balance; issues and challenges; coping strategies; segmentation


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How to Cite

Mos, B., Bandar, N. F. abdullah, Sabil, S., Halim, F. A., Muda, A. L., Hamidi, H., Abg Ibrahim, D. K., & Meor Osman, W. S. (2018). Generation-Y Employees and Their Perceptions of Work-Life Balance. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 4(2), 28–41.