
  • A. O. Ujene
  • A. A. Umoh




Building Projects, Construction Industry, Cost Overrun, Site Characteristics, Time Overrun


This study evaluated the site characteristics influencing the time and cost delivery of building projects, determined the range of percentage cost and time overrun and developed a neural network model for predicting the percentage cost and time overrun using the site characteristics of building projects. The study evaluated twelve site characteristics and two performance indicators obtained from records of construction costs, contract documents, and valuation reports of 126 purposively sampled building projects spread across several cities in Nigeria. Analyses were with descriptive and artificial neural network. It was concluded that with fairly favourable site characteristics, cost overrun range reached 77.95% with a mean variation of 44.36%, while time overrun range reached 51.23% with a mean variation of 26.77%. It was found that the accuracy performance levels of 91.93% and 91.43% for the cost and time overrun predictions respectively were very high for the optimum models. Building projects have eight significant site characteristics which can be used to reliably predict the percentage overrun, among which the ground water level, level of available infrastructure and labour proximity around the site are the most important predictors of cost and time overrun. The study recommended that project owners, consultants, contractors and other stakeholders should always use the eight identified site characteristics in predicting percentage cost and time overrun, with more priority on the first three characteristics. The study also recommended the neural network prediction approach due to its prediction accuracy.


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How to Cite

Ujene, A. O., & Umoh, A. A. (2017). UTILIZING SITE CHARACTERISTICS IN NEURAL NETWORK MODELLING OF PERCENTAGE COST-TIME OVERRUN OF BUILDING PROJECTS. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 8(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.33736/jcest.374.2017