This study investigates the effects of employing the Smart Interactive Whiteboard in a Malaysian primary-level guided writing class. The study also examines students’ perspectives on different teaching techniques and the factors affecting personal preferences. The study employs a sequential explanatory research design. The participants comprise 42 11-year-old students at the Malaysian Year 5 level. Quantitative data are collected in the form of pre- and post-test scores. Simultaneously, qualitative data are gathered using semi-structured interviews to support the quantitative findings and to provide data triangulation. The findings reveal that the Smart Interactive Whiteboard is preferred by most participants over traditional flashcards. The study also provides valuable comparative insights into vocabulary teaching methods and identifies areas of improvement for guided writing teaching approaches. Therefore, the Smart Interactive Whiteboard can potentially cater to students’ multiple needs and learning requirements, being aligned with the academic and professional needs of the target community. The Smart Interactive Whiteboard is also effective in engaging students in the learning process, making vocabulary learning enjoyable and effective at different proficiency levels.
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