Malaysian L2 learners’ English learning motivation: A study of goals, attitudes and self


  • K.S.N. Prasangani Universiti Malaysia Sarawak



This paper investigates factors motivating Malaysian students to learn English through Dornyei’s (2009) construct of the L2 Motivational Self System. The purpose of the study is to examine the validity of self- concept (Ideal L2 and Ought to L2) in the L2 Motivational Self System and examine effect of learner social goals. Furthermore, the study aims to determine the relationship among L2 attitudes, social goals and motivated learning behaviour. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey conducted among 76 Malaysian undergraduates. The results of the study revealed a strong correlation between social goals and selves as well as social goals and motivated learning behaviour. There was a correlation between the L2 self and motivated learning, suggesting social interference to be an important factor for forming attitude.


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How to Cite

Prasangani, K. (2014). Malaysian L2 learners’ English learning motivation: A study of goals, attitudes and self. Issues in Language Studies, 3(1).