Smoking and Its Impacts on Absenteeism and Stress: A Preliminary Study


  • Jong Jee Leong Faculty of Cognitive of Sciences and Human Development, UNIMAS
  • Helmi Sumilan Faculty of Cognitive of Sciences and Human Development, UNIMAS
  • Heng Chin Siong Faculty of Cognitive of Sciences and Human Development, UNIMAS
  • Florianna Lendai Michael Faculty of Cognitive of Sciences and Human Development, UNIMAS



Smoking, absenteeism, stress, impact, workplace


The article highlights a preliminary study on smoking and its impact on absenteeism and stress in the work place. The article also includes an application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in explaining the behavior of smoking. The Theory of Planned Behavior which was proposed by Icek Ajzen is used to predict an individual’s behavioural control and intention which are influenced by attitude and social norms to perform a behaviour. This article also discusses previous researches done on smoking and its relationship with absenteeism and stress among employees in organizations.



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How to Cite

Leong, J. J., Sumilan, H., Siong, H. C., & Michael, F. L. (2016). Smoking and Its Impacts on Absenteeism and Stress: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 2(1), 13–23.