The Relationship between Employee Attitude Towards Training and Employee Retention in Telecommunication


  • Siaw Cheau Jwu
  • Zaiton Hassan
  • Siti Mariam Abdullah
  • Mark Edmund Kasa



The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between employee attitude towards
training (accessibility of training, social support for training and benefits of training) and
employee retention in the telecommunication industry in Kuching. Eighty employees responded
to the self-administered questionnaire. Simple random sampling was used to carry
out the study. Data was analysed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression.
Only social support for training had a significant and positive relationship to retention.
Thus, it is recommended that managers and supervisors support employees in attending
training as well as provide opportunities for employees to apply what they had learned in
training as it will influence retention in the organization.

Keywords: Retention; accessibility to training; social support for training; benefits of training


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How to Cite

Jwu, S. C., Hassan, Z., Abdullah, S. M., & Kasa, M. E. (2018). The Relationship between Employee Attitude Towards Training and Employee Retention in Telecommunication. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 4(1), 1–14.