
  • B.T. Lau School of Information Technology and Multimedia,Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus)
  • Y.C. Wang Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak



Content based retrieval, structural spatial query, configuration similarity, and spatial retrieval.


Information acquisition with the availability of modern information technology has become easier. We rely on various information systems in our daily lives. Geographical information system and spatial query retrieval become more and more important in vehicle navigation, robot automation, and satellite signal processing. Spatial query is made easy with the handheld technology like PDA and sketching device. However powerful query methodology needs powerful retrieval techniques to produce the desired output. Content based spatial query retrieval is one of the best resorts for spatial query retrieval. Structural spatial query retrieval is in content based retrieval family that is also an active research area in spatial databases. Structural spatial query retrieval assesses similarity by its structural arrangement, known as configuration similarity. This research developed an enhanced structural spatial query retrieval model for spatial databases.


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How to Cite

Lau, B., & Wang, Y. (2016). CONTENT-BASED SPATIAL QUERY RETRIEVAL. Journal of IT in Asia, 2(1), 53–82.


