About the Journal

About JITA
Aims and Scopes:

The Journal of IT in Asia (JITA) is an international peer-reviewed publication that focuses on current and emerging areas of Information Technology and its overarching impact on all aspects of our life.

Asia, as largest and most populated continent in the world is now set to take centre-stage in an emergent digital era. Linking the scale of global change to potential game-changer initiatives in local scenarios calls for collaborative contributions multi-disciplinary researchers.

This journal will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange on trends, current and emergent developments, innovative use of technology including social, cultural and humanistic dimensions and issues.  The journal invites original research papers, review papers and technical reports discussing on new approaches, methods, systems, and solutions to benefit the regional and global communities. 

In partnership with the Centre of Excellence on Digital Sarawak, this journal is poised to stimulate scholarly discourse and knowledge sharing on strategic and translational research areas to shed insights on key developments, and implications. 

Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • computational theory
  • computational models and systems
  • communications technologies and infrastructures
  • knowledge networks and management
  • software engineering
  • mathematical computing
  • information systems
  • security and privacy
  • human-centered interactions
  • applied computing

Types of Article:
Reseach Article 

Quality Control Mechanism:
The journal practises double-blind peer review process.

Publication Frequency:
One volume per year (December each year) 

Article Subscription Fee:
Free open access (Readers need to register in order to download the articles).

Publication/Article Processing Fee:


Journal Indexing:

  • MyCITE (Malaysian Citation Index)
  • MyJurnal (Journal Management System)
  • Google Scholar

UNIMAS Publisher

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