
  • Michael K.O. Goh Faculty of Information Science & Tech., Multimedia University
  • Connie Tee Faculty of Information Science & Tech., Multimedia University
  • Andrew B.J. Teoh School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University



Palm print recognition, knuckle print recognition, real-time hand tracking, ridgelet transform, score level fusion.


This paper proposed an innovative contact-less palm print and knuckle print recognition system. Palm print is referred to as line textures, which contains principal lines, wrinkles and ridges on the inner surface of the palm. On the other hand, knuckle print is denoted as the flexion lines on the inner skin of the knuckles of the fingers. These line patterns are unique and stable, and they offer abundance of useful information for personal recognition. We present a novel palm print and knuckle print tracking approach to automatically detect and capture these features from low resolution video stream. No constraint is imposed and the subject can place his/her hand naturally on top of the input sensor without touching any device. The palm print and knuckle print features are extracted using our proposed Wavelet Gabor Competitive Code and Ridget Transform methods. Several decision-level fusion rules are used to consolidate the scores output by the palm print and knuckle print experts. The fusion of these features yields promising result of EER=1.25% for verification rate.


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How to Cite

Goh, M. K., Tee, C., & Teoh, A. B. (2016). BI-MODAL PALM PRINT AND KNUCKLE PRINT RECOGNITION SYSTEM. Journal of IT in Asia, 3(1), 85–106.


