Theoretical Framework of Urban Water Security In Indonesia


  • J. E. Wuysang Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia
  • R. W. Triweko Civil Engineering Department, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia
  • D. Yudianto Civil Engineering Department, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia



Urban water, water security, theoretical framework, Indonesia


For years cities in Indonesia have experienced massive urban and economic developments which involved conversion of land to economic areas and human settlements. These cause some cities in Indonesia to face critical condition is providing clean waters and services of urban sanitation. As a consequence of clean water demand, industries and household explore ground water as a source of clean water. Over abstraction of ground water has impacted declining of groundwater table and land subsidence. Due to the problems that have been created by aspects above, it is necessary to acquire a framework dealing with the complexity of urban water problems in Indonesian cities that could explain the urban water security, and to be used to monitor and evaluate the progress of the cities in improving their urban water services. This paper is describing the dimensions that give affects to urban water security with their phenomena and problems in Indonesian cities and build the theoretical framework of urban water security. The result of this research is a theoretical framework of urban water security, consists of five key dimensions of urban water security, such as: Water Supply Management, Stormwater Management, Wastewater Management, Groundwater Management and Solid Waste Management.


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How to Cite

Wuysang, J. E., Triweko, R. W., & Yudianto, D. (2018). Theoretical Framework of Urban Water Security In Indonesia. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 9(2), 136–144.