Effect of seawater on the properties of Epoxy Modified Concrete


  • Timmy Jupiter
  • Azida Hj Rashidi
  • Idawati Ismail




Epoxy is the most common type of polymer used by civil engineers to produce Polymer Cement Concrete (PCC). In this study, the effect of seawater on epoxy modified mortar in the Malaysian seawater is investigated using PCC mixes with Epoxy is used as the cement replacement. Fifteen 100x100x100 mm standard cubes were casted from five different mixes. The samples range from 5% to 50% epoxy replacement to cement content by weight ratio. Samples were placed in sea water and tap water for 100 days and monitored for short-term durability aspects such as physical changes in weight, appearances and absorption percentages. Compressive strength for 7, 14, 28 and 100 days were also taken. Results were compared with control samples having 0% epoxy. Results show that the strength of samples depends on the amount of epoxy used. The absorption test results can be an initial indicator to the durability properties of concrete material. It was also found that PCC with 20% epoxy can effectively reduce overall deterioration of concrete especially those exposed to sea water.


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How to Cite

Jupiter, T., Hj Rashidi, A., & Ismail, I. (2010). Effect of seawater on the properties of Epoxy Modified Concrete. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 1(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.33736/jcest.72.2010


