
  • Md. Jahir Uddin
  • Prokashon Chakma
  • S.M. Abdullah Al Faruq



This study investigated the water and bed levels together with thalweg profile variations in graphical and numerical analysis using MS Excel for the Ganges-Padma River between 1996 and 2014 at three different selected stations. It was found that there was no consistency in cross section profiles over the years. The cross section profiles varied rapidly at Mawa and Harding Bridge stations, whereas the changes at Baruria Transit were more consistent comparatively. The mean bed levels at Harding Bridge and Mawa stations gradually rose while at Baruria Transit station, it showed a dynamic behavior. Recently in most cases, the water and bed levels lowered or rose simultaneously, but in the years 1996 to 2009 they showed dissimilar patterns. The maximum water level variation was found at Harding Bridge station at 0.75m (rise). The shifting of thalweg points also varied significantly. The most frequent movement of thalweg vertically was found at Baruria Transit station and horizontally at Mawa station.


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How to Cite

Uddin, M. J., Chakma, P., & Al Faruq, S. A. (2017). STUDY OF WATER AND BED LEVEL VARIATION IN THE GANGES-PADMA RIVER, BANGLADESH. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 8(2), 96–107.