Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation for Linau River Basin in Sarawak


  • M. Hussain
  • S. Nadya
  • F.J. Chia




The probable maximum precipitation (PMP) is the greatest depth of precipitation for a given duration that is physically possible over a given size storm area at a particular geographical location at a certain time of the year. PMP is very important to be considered for the design of river regulating structures i.e Dams and Barrages to overcome any possible chance of overtopping failure as well as for public safety and hazards downstream of any of these structures. Especially if these structures located in the upstream of the of the populated town or city than the failure could damage severely such areas. As such the PMP convention is always a requirement as primary design dam/reservoir criteria when public safety is of concern. The PMP is used to derive Probable Maximum Flood (PMF), which further used in hydraulic modeling to check the impact assessments for such occasions. This paper focuses on estimation of PMP for Linau River Basin in Sarawak using statistical method proposed by World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which is described in its operational manual. Long Lidam and Long Laku are located in Linau River Basin but Long Laku has long discontinuity in the data set thus the rainfall series at Long Lidam is further used for PMP estimation. The missing data was in-filled using Belaga rain gauge station as Long Lidam rainfall has good correlation with Belaga rainfall data. Hershfield statistical method has been adopted to estimate the 24-hour duration PMP. The Probable Maximum Precipitation for 24-hour duration storm is estimated as 691 mm for the Linau River Basin.


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How to Cite

Hussain, M., Nadya, S., & Chia, F. (2014). Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation for Linau River Basin in Sarawak. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 5(3), 1–5.


