Review of the Approach to Modelling Pesticides Dispersion in Environment for Determining the Concentrations to Which Organisms are Exposed as Part of Risk Assessment


  • Kouadio Kouassi Saint-Pierre abLaboratoire des Procédés Industrielles, de Synthèses, de l’Environnement et des Énergies Nouvelles, Institut National Houphouët Boigny, Yamoussoukro
  • Assidjo Nogbou Emmanuel



Modeling, Pesticides, Aerial spraying, Risk assessment


There is an interest in the toxicity of pesticides in plant protection treatments for humans and the environment. As such, assessing toxicity risk is essential. Risk assessment is constrained due to the large amount of data to be measured, short collection times, insufficient data even when available, and the absence of bioaccumulation of the pollutant in the target organism. Modelling becomes an ally in overcoming these shortcomings. The assessor thus has at his disposal statistical, compartmental, Gaussian, Lagrangian, and Eulerian models to estimate the exposure of target organisms.


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How to Cite

KOUADIO, S.-P., & Assidjo Nogbou Emmanuel. (2023). Review of the Approach to Modelling Pesticides Dispersion in Environment for Determining the Concentrations to Which Organisms are Exposed as Part of Risk Assessment. Journal of Applied Science &Amp; Process Engineering, 10(2), 94–108.