Market Competition, Social Entrepreneurship Initiative, Sustainability Practices, Technology Adoption, Value Co-CreationAbstract
This quantitative study examines the complex relationship between value co-creation, market competition, technology adoption, sustainability practices, and social entrepreneurship initiatives in Indonesian ventures. Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) on 325 initiatives yields remarkable findings. The results suggest that market competition drives value co-creation and social entrepreneurship initiatives. Social entrepreneurship initiative ventures face severe social and environmental issues when the market competition heats up, and they become better at cooperative value co-creation. Technology adoption is boosting value creation and social entrepreneurship effectiveness. This study emphasizes technology's role in efficiency and innovation. Sustainable practices are essential to value co-creation and social enterprise. Sustainability enhances the possibility that an activity will create value and have long-term environmental and social impacts. Social entrepreneurship initiatives benefited from value-creation collaboration. Value-creating projects address social and environmental challenges more proactively and effectively, demonstrating teamwork to promote good change. Investors, lawmakers, and social entrepreneurs who aim to strengthen Indonesia's social entrepreneurship initiative landscape by generating long-term profit and social impact might use the results.
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