organic food, food label, purchase intention, sustainable gastronomy, sustainable behaviourAbstract
Examining the influence of labelling on organic food purchase intention is essential, as labelling plays a critical role in shaping consumer perceptions and influencing purchasing decisions. This study specifically investigates the effect of labelling on organic food packaging and its influence on purchase intention. To achieve this, a non-contrived, cross-sectional correlational study was conducted, yielding 415 valid responses. The findings indicate that personal attitudes strongly influence purchase intention. Satisfaction with existing labelling positively impacts both personal attitudes and purchase intention, while a desire for more labelling negatively affects personal attitudes and purchase intention. Additionally, personal attitude mediates the relationship between satisfaction with labelling, the desire for more labelling, and purchase intention. These results provide valuable insights for marketers, organic food retailers, and producers to refine labelling strategies and develop more effective marketing communication plans to better influence consumer behaviour toward organic food products.
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