Business Intelligence and Organizational Effectiveness in The Malaysian Newspaper Industry: Mediating Effect of Market Capitalization and Operational Agility
Business intelligence, market capitalization agility, operational adjustment agility, organizational effectiveness, Malaysian newspaper industryAbstract
The Malaysian newspaper industry faces prospective challenges due to growing competition, technological advancements, and changing customer demand. To ensure sustainability, Malaysian companies must focus on business intelligence to overcome these challenges. Therefore, this study aims to examine the impact of business intelligence on organizational effectiveness, and the mediational role of market capitalization agility and operational adjustment agility in the relationship between business intelligence and organizational effectiveness in the context of the Malaysian newspaper industry. This study collected data from the 504 managerial-level employees working in the Malaysian newspaper industry. The outcomes showed business intelligence plays a crucial role in enhancing organizational effectiveness, as managers can enhance performance by ensuring market capitalization and operational adjustment agility. Operational adjustment and market capitalization agility ultimately enhance the organization's overall effectiveness. Further, the findings of this study provide practical implications to policymakers and suggest that policymakers should enhance managers' agility by providing comprehensive training on business intelligence systems, enhancing their knowledge of the business environment, and promoting change-responsiveness.
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