An Empirical Study of Financial Efficiency and Stability of Crab–Shrimp Farming Model In Mekong Delta, Vietnam


  • Danh Le Ngoc Kien Giang University
  • Nhan Doan Hoai FPT University – Can Tho Campus
  • Tac Nguyen Van Nam Can Tho University
  • Hien Nguyen Thi Bich Kien Giang University



Crab-shrimp farming, financial efficiency, mud crabs


The study is conducted with the goal of analyzing the financial efficiency of 308 crab - shrimp farming households in the Mekong Delta, finding factors that affect financial efficiency and the extent of their influence on farm household income. Research results show that extensive crab-shrimp farming households are highly effective. With the average cost of investment in production during the crab farming process of 2,051 thousand VND/1,000m2, the average revenue brought from farming Crab farming of 5,099 thousand VND/1,000m2, farmers have an average profit of about 3,020 thousand VND/1,000m2. The average value of the financial ratios shows that the production model in the Mekong Delta is financially effective, the average value of the revenue/cash cost is 8.08, profit/total costs is 2.31, net income/cash costs is 7.08, and profit /revenue is 0.37. Factors affecting the profits of extensive mud crab farmers consist of three influencing factors: Area, crab/total crab ratio, and farmers in Kien Giang Province. Additionally, the number of years of farming experience has an influence, but its impact is not statistically significant


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How to Cite

Danh Le Ngoc, Nhan Doan Hoai, Tac Nguyen Van, & Hien Nguyen Thi Bich. (2024). An Empirical Study of Financial Efficiency and Stability of Crab–Shrimp Farming Model In Mekong Delta, Vietnam. International Journal of Business and Society, 25(2), 754–772.