Enhancing Meaningful Work The Roles Of Spiritual Leadership Intrinsic Motivation And Employees' Gender
Spiritual leadership, intrinsic motivation, meaningful work, gender differencesAbstract
In today's workplace, employees grapple with finding meaningful work amidst the complexities of a dynamic business landscape shaped by rapid technological advances, uncertainties, intensified customer demands, and the impacts of events like the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges induce emotional and physical strains, leading to a sense of anomie, resulting in reduced productivity, performance, job satisfaction, and heightened turnover intentions. Holistic leadership is crucial to addressing these issues, focusing on enhancing intrinsic motivation and cultivating a deeper sense of meaningful work. Based on self-determination theory and spiritual leadership framework, this study suggests positive correlations between spiritual leadership and employees' perception of meaningful work, with intrinsic motivation partially mediating the relationship and gender moderating it. Findings from 448 employees in Kenyan commercial banks reveal intrinsic motivation partially mediates, and gender moderates, the relationship between spiritual leadership and employees' perception of meaningful work. The study's implications and recommendations for future research are provided.
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