Integrated Management System To Improve Corporate Sustainability Performance The Case Study In The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry
Environmental, integrated management system, quality, social, performance, sustainabilityAbstract
This study aims to investigate the mediating factors of achieving quality, environmental and social performance concerning the sustainability of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. Effective implementation of an integrated management system is essential in achieving business process performance to improve the company’s sustainability performance. The priority of the pharmaceutical industry is to satisfy the requirements of quality assurance and product safety. Thus, a balance is required toward implementing an integrated management system. This research was conducted in one of the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews with respondents and analysed using generalised structural component analysis (GSCA). Results of this study show that implementing an integrated management system can improve social performance and corporate sustainability. The implications of this study indicate that the balanced implementation of the integrated management system has not been effectively achieved. Consequently, a strategy is required to evaluate the quality and environmental performance achievements and to improve the implementation of the integrated management system in a balanced manner.
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