A Bibliometric Analysis Of Emotional Intelligence And Leadership
Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Bibliometric Analysis, Bibliometric Review, VOSviewerAbstract
This research aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of studies on the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. The investigation encompasses a compilation of 1136 articles sourced from Scopus, spanning from 1996 to 2023. The data analysis process involved utilizing the VOSviewer software, which facilitated the creation of maps depicting co-authorship and keywords. A combination of descriptive statistics and social network analysis techniques were employed to analyze the data. Within the 1136 articles, 105 author keywords were referenced at least five times. These keywords were subsequently categorized into 11 clusters. The prevalent terms included “training,” “competence,” “job satisfaction,” “self-awareness,” and “organizational citizenship behavior.” An exploration of the temporal aspect of the data revealed that recent scholarly interest has gravitated toward topics such as “higher education,” “job performance,” “leader development,” “soft skill,” and “employee engagement.” This study’s findings suggest potential avenues for further research in the realm of emotional intelligence and leadership. Subsequent researchers might consider conducting studies in these domains to contribute to the evolving knowledge system.
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