Workplace Spirituality, Self-Transcendence, Person-Organization Fit, Meaningful WorkAbstract
The goal of this research was to investigate and analyze the relationship between spirituality in the workplace and self-transcendence, Person-Organization Fit, and achieving meaningful work (Meaningful Work). This study's population consisted of employees of the Public Works and Public Housing Office of Bengkulu Province, with a planned sample size of 258 respondents using the census method. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used in this study to test construct validity (convergent validity and discriminant validity) and reliability. Then, using SmartPLS 3.0, an explanation of statistical descriptions related to respondent profiles, hypothesis testing with path analysis, and testing of indirect effects are provided. According to the study's findings, spirituality in the workplace can increase a person's compatibility with their organization and self-transcendence. However, spirituality at work cannot increase work meaning. Meaning at work cannot be increased by self-transcendence, despite the fact that P-O fit can increase meaning at work. Self-transcendence cannot mediate the relationship between spirituality at work and increasing meaningfulness at work in the mediating relationship. This is inversely proportional to the P-O fit, which can act as a bridge between the influence of spirituality at work and meaningfulness at work.
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