Analytical Hierarchy Process, Resource-Based View, Dynamic Capability, Open Innovation, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Manufacturing in NamibiaAbstract
To sustain a competitive edge amidst the dynamic nature of the current market and evolving technological landscape, manufacturing enterprises must ensure that their organizational resources, capabilities, and innovation procedures are optimized. In the manufacturing sector, innovators are known to earn twice as much as their less innovative counterparts, demonstrating the criticality of innovation. On that basis, this study used the RCO technique, which is an integrated approach to sustainable competitive advantage that focuses on resources, capabilities, and open innovation of the organization to improve decisions that lead to a lasting competitive advantage in a developing country. In addition, this study applied an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) approach for data analysis in calibrating the actual application of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) in a company, especially in developing economies. The study results indicate that possessing valuable organizational resources necessitates adding distinctive capabilities to generate innovations that effectively contribute to attaining organizational objectives, specifically SCA. Moreover, through the utilization of positive knowledge ingress and outflow, open innovation is considered the industry eye of a business organization, with the purpose of accelerating innovation within the organization and expanding the market for innovations’ internal and external applications. In conclusion, an integrated model for sustainable competitive advantage, which is vital to the long-term growth and sustenance of businesses, was devised as a result of this study.
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