employee engagement, job demand, employee participation, employee motivation, self-efficacyAbstract
The optimization of employee engagement poses significant challenges for organizations worldwide, including in Malaysian public sector. In narrowing knowledge, demographic, and empirical gaps. This study aimed to examine the moderating role of job demands (JD) on the relationship between employee participation (EP), employee motivation (EM), self-efficacy (SE), and employee engagement (EE) within the Information technology (IT) departments of the Malaysian public sector. A quantitative approach using SmartPLS software was applied to analyze the data. This study discovered that only EM and SE have a significant impact on EE. On the other hand, there was no discernible impact of JD on the link between EM and EE. However, there was a moderation effect of JD on the relationship between EP and EE. By providing theoretical and empirical evidence as well as contextual and practical implications, this study is expected to aid the Malaysian government in optimizing the engagement of public employees and thus, enhance the productivity of the public sector in both administrative and economic growth.
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