Organic products, Covid 19 pandemic, Health consciousness, Environmental concern, Affordability, Purchase intention and behaviourAbstract
The rising global concerns about health and the environment have led to a substantial increase in demand for organic farm products compared to conventional ones. However, there is limited research on consumers' behavioural intentions regarding organic product consumption during pandemics such as Covid-19, especially in regions like Sarawak, Malaysia. This study aims to investigate the factors that influence consumers' intentions to purchase organic products amidst the pandemic. The study expands on the attitude component of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), incorporating environmental concern, health consciousness, trust, product quality, and affordability. A questionnaire was used to collect data from consumers of organic farm products in Sarawak, Malaysia, and the collected data was analysed using partial least squares - structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings indicate a significant positive impact of both environmental concern and affordability on purchase intention. However, health consciousness exhibited a negative influence, while product quality and trust did not significantly impact consumers' intention to purchase organic products during the pandemic. This study aims to raise consumers' awareness about the demand for organic products during the pandemic and assist the government and industry players in predicting future demand and developing strategies to strengthen the organic food industry.
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