
  • Helen SH Lee Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Lean Hooi Hooi Universiti Sains Malaysia



Energy efficiency improvement, government intervention, knowledge, personal norms, SMEs


Energy efficiency is like the ‘low hanging fruit’ in which improving energy efficiency is one of the easiest ways to lessen energy demand. Firms, large or small, can make a major positive contribution to energy sustainability by improving energy efficiency. This research attempts to examine the effects of SMEs’ perceptions in terms of knowledge, government intervention and personal norms on their support for energy efficiency improvement. A survey was carried out to collect data and empirical testing of the research model was conducted. The estimated results suggest that the factors of knowledge and government intervention have significant effects on SMEs’ support for energy efficiency improvement. In addition, the results show that personal norms is an important mediator variable in influencing SMEs’ decision to improve energy efficiency. The findings of this research provide some fresh insights on energy efficiency improvement of SMEs and several notable implications can be drawn from this research.


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How to Cite

Helen SH Lee, & Lean Hooi Hooi. (2023). SMES’ ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT: THE ROLES OF KNOWLEDGE, GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION AND PERSONAL NORMS. International Journal of Business and Society, 24(3), 1368–1382.