
  • Thi Phuong Linh Nguyen National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam



advertising value, brand awareness, purchase intention, Youtube


Youtube advertising is gradually becoming a form of advertising that attracts many enterprises and customers. This research is based on a survey of 450 customers in Vietnam in two forms: direct distribution and collection at some colleges, some companies, some supermarkets and online survey via Google Docs tool in November, 2020 about factors that affecting advertising value on Youtube and the relationship between advertising value on Youtube, brand awareness and customer purchase intention. The results show that entertainment, informativeness, irritation and interactivity have a positive effect on advertising value on Youtube, in which entertainment has the most positive and strongest influence on advertising value on Youtube and irritation has a negative effect on advertising value on Youtube. The author also pointed out the relationship between advertising value on Youtube, brand awareness and Vietnamese customer purchase intention.


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How to Cite

Thi Phuong Linh Nguyen. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF YOUTUBE ADVERTISING VALUE ON BRAND AWARENESS AND PURCHASE INTENTIONS OF VIETNAMESE CUSTOMERS. International Journal of Business and Society, 24(3), 1173–1185.