
  • Robert Jeyakumar Nathan Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • Soekmawati Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • So Won Jeong Department of International Business & Trade, School of Global Convergence Studies, Inha University, South Korea
  • Byoungho Ellie Jin Department of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, North Carolina State University, USA




Korean Country Image, Online Focus Group, Multicultural, Malaysia, Thematic Analysis


Purpose – Malaysia is a multicultural society, comprising ethnic Malays, Chinese, Indians, and other ethnic minorities. Its culture has complex interactions among multicultural and multi-lingual people, with diverse faiths and religions. This study investigates how a multicultural and multi-religious society responds to the influx of Korean products in the market and explores the differences in responses between fans and non-fans of the Korean Wave.
Design/Methodology – Using the Online Focus Group Discussions (FGD) technique, qualitative research was conducted with ten participants to investigate multicultural Malaysians’ response to Korean country and product image.
Findings – Through questions asked during the FGDs, themes that explain Malaysians’ perceptions of the Korean country image, Korean culture, and Korean products were identified. “Valuing relationship”, “Asian compatibility”, “natural and authentic”, “creativity and innovation”, “projection of boldness and confidence”, “cautious followers”, and “protective and caring culture” were primarily identified, representing positive attributes; “cosmetic surgery” was viewed negatively.
Originality/value – Studies about the influence of culture and religion on Malaysian consumers’ responses toward Korean products are scarce. The findings of this study would provide insights into Malaysian consumers from diverse ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. Understanding how foreign products enter and remain successful in a country like Malaysia could provide valuable insights to other countries and SMEs planning to enter new multicultural markets.


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How to Cite

Robert Jeyakumar Nathan, Soekmawati, So Won Jeong, & Byoungho Ellie Jin. (2023). K-WAVE FANS AND NON-FANS: CULTURE-SPECIFIC AND COLLECTIVE RESPONSES TO KOREAN COUNTRY AND PRODUCT IMAGE. International Journal of Business and Society, 24(2), 846–866. https://doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.5968.2023