higher education, job resources, millennials, personal resources, work engagementAbstract
Work engagement is becoming an important concept in modern business and society, particularly among the millennial generation, that will dominate the global working population. This study seeks to delve deeper into the work engagement of millennial lecturers in Indonesian higher education, including both predictors and consequences. This study employs a mixed-methods approach through a sequential exploratory design. First, its conducts an extensive literature review to formulate research hypotheses, which were then assessed quantitatively using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling. Occupational self-efficacy and perceived organizational support manifest as personal and job resources, respectively, and dominate the work engagement literature. Specifically, the study demonstrates that occupational self-efficacy can moderate the effect of perceived organizational support on work engagement. Furthermore, work engagement acts as an important mediator in the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational engagement. From the viewpoints of social exchange theory and self-determination theory, the findings of this study shed light on the underlying mechanism of the effect of perceived organizational support on millennial lecturers' organizational engagement. This study is one of only a few that focus on both work engagement and organizational engagement within an integrative conceptual framework.
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