Quality of work life, retention, job satisfaction, job performance, ready-made garment (RMG)Abstract
The paper investigates how the quality of work life (QWL), presented in a hierarchical model, influences employee work outcomes (job performance and retention intention). The paper also examines if job satisfaction mediates the above relationship. Drawing on the social exchange theory, the paper examines these two research questions using 365 employees from Bangladesh's ready-made garment (RMG) industry. The findings show that QWL is positively associated with job satisfaction, retention intention, and in-role performance. Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the outcome variables as well. Furthermore, job satisfaction mediates QWL and employee work outcomes relationship. The hierarchical model of QWL and its impact on employee outcomes through the mediating role of job satisfaction continues to lag. As such, the paper provides practical insights for organizations looking to improve employee satisfaction, performance, and retention through QWL. These findings have implications for research on positive relationships at work. The study has a few limitations that may provide opportunities for future research.
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